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How does your budget compare to other Engineering Marketers?

Find out with the 2015 Engineering Marketing Survey

Do you need facts to support a higher budget for 2015?  Would evidence help you convince your CMO to invest more in digital, social, and content?

If you want the facts on what engineering marketers are planning for 2015, please complete the 2015 engineering marketer’s survey.  It only takes 3 minutes, and we’ll send you the results. 

Pie_chart_updatedTAKE THE SURVEY

You’ll learn:

  • How the size of your budget compares to other engineering marketers
  • What social media channels are best to reach engineers
  • What types of content engineering marketers plan to produce next year

Many thanks to engineering marketers Karen, Chris and Heather who provided their must-have questions.  

Please help us all learn from each other.



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